Following to the rapidly economy
developing of PRC China, the demanding of international freight
movement increase over the past year, UFS was founded in Zhuhai,
Guangdong since 1998 to better serve our customers and act as
the headquarter of developer of the group in China Market, on
today, we have set up the most comprehension networking agency
and branches offices cross over in main cities of China, we
continue to anticipate and extend to our own branches offices
over all the major cities of the world in order to ensure we
can delivery excellent quality services to our customers under
our highly trained excellent member's in our group.
Business Licences Registration Number : 440104000163608

Our mission is to be leading total logistics solution provider
by the attainment of excellence in all that we do, we achieve
its commit to development with well training to all our staff
members to meet the needs of the business by building a professional
team, anticipating with understanding to make satisfying the
of our customers. Delivery the cost effective solution with
maintain high quality comprehension customer services.
NVOCC Registration Number : MOC-NV06594

Our strategy is put the customer's benefit first at all time. |